哮喘 Relief - Ottawa Air Quality | Enviropure-优德游戏app
哮喘 and 过敏救援2024-04-19T19:02:30+00:00

Air Scrubbing for Allergies & 哮喘

Enviropure offers professional air quality testing and cleaning in residential and commercial spaces for those suffering from allergies and asthma in Ottawa.

Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification
Restoration Sciences Academy Logo
Amdecon certified biohazard specialist certification
ABRA Certified Bio-Recovery Technician Seal
Indoor Air Quality Association Logo
A large black mold buildup being cleaned by enviropure home services

渥太华空气洗涤 & 测试

Suffering from allergies can be extremely uncomfortable – especially if you are experiencing allergic reactions in your own home. While we might keep our home as clean as we can to the best of our abilities, sometimes allergens can build up where you least expect them. At Enviropure we use a variety of methods to help control allergens through the use of professional air quality techniques. 的se techniques are designed to specifically isolate and remove mold from the air, as well as other irritants which can trigger allergic reactions. 在过去的20年里, there has also been a steady increase in asthma cases in Canada and with the right preventive cleaning measures you can prevent asthma symptoms from occurring.

At Enviropure Home 服务, we remove the most common causes of allergic reactions and asthmatic symptoms including:

  • 宠物毛屑
  • 花粉
  • Dustmites
  • 模具

Make sure you are comfortable in your own home, and get allergens removed by Enviropure Home 服务.


Get a Free Estimate Now!

Need your carpets cleaned? Looking for post-renovation cleanup? Or maybe you just need a 彻底的 house cleaning. Contact us today for a free estimate!


Experience Our Residential Allergy Deep Clean Package

Experiencing the symptoms of allergies in your home but unsure what to do? Enviropure Home 服务 offers a residential 过敏的干净整洁 package in Ottawa. Whether you are moving into a new home or property, or are experiencing an onset in allergies that are being caused by existing triggers in the house, the deep-clean package is an excellent choice. 的 过敏的干净整洁 包包括:

  • 深层清洁
  • HEPA-filtration Equipment
  • All Botanical Surface Sanitizing
  • Air Scrubber to Filter Out Airborne Particulate
  • HEPA Vacuuming of Air Vents

You needn’t continue to suffer from allergies at home. Get in touch with Enviropure Home today!

An Enviropure home cleaner wipes down a counter
clean ac unit installed into a home

Professional 空气质素测试 & 清理霉菌

Think the Air Quality of your home might be to blame for your allergic reactions? Many people experience mild to severe irritation from indoor air pollutants, especially mold. At Enviropure Home 服务, we can provide professional 空气质素测试 for your home to test whether harmful pollutants including mold lurks in your air. In addition to 空气质素测试, we also provide top-of-the-line mold removal services and Air Quality improvement services, 如:

  • Regular cleaning of your home using natural cleaning products, pure natural disinfectants and hypo-allergenic products
  • 深层清洁
  • HEPA filtration vacuuming: this captures and contains dust and allergens
  • Air scrubbing: this purifies and filters the air in your home
  • 床垫卫生:蒸汽清洗
  • UV-C light technology: to kill dust mites and allergens
  • Vaportek technology: this neutralizes odor using dry vapor and natural essential oils
  • Steam cleaning of carpets and upholstery: deep cleaning and hot water extraction on all fabrics and materials

Contact Enviropure today to book your professional air quality testing and mold removal service.


经常 问问题

Below are the answers to some of our frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Enviropure today.

While we can’t diagnose your allergies, 已经证明了, statistical links between allergies and allergy triggers contained within the home or other buildings. If you are experiencing allergies, we would encourage to speak with your family doctor or general practitioner, who could refer to you an allergy specialist (many of their services are covered under OHIP). Once you have been diagnosed, we can then get to work identifying the potential source(s) of allergy triggers within your home or office. This includes air quality testing (for mold, dust and/or other particulates; as well as air scrubbing and 彻底的 home cleaning or office cleaning services in Ottawa and surrounding communities.

HEPA filters come in different shapes, sizes, configurations and products. 为了我们的目的, we offer HEPA filtration equipment as part of our 过敏的干净整洁 package, which covers HEPA vacuuming of air vents as well as air filters, 等. HEPA stands for “High Efficiency Particulate Air,” and it is used in a variety of applications such as air filters, vacuum bags and other types of contamination control. To carry its designation, a HEPA filter must trap 99.97%的微粒0.3微米或更大. If you suffer from allergies, HEPA filters are your friend as they contain more particles and contaminants than traditional filters.

宠物毛屑 can be a major contributor to allergies. Some people unfortunately have an allergic reaction to the proteins that are found in the skin cells, saliva or urine of cats, 狗和其他宠物. 在大多数情况下, people with allergies to certain animal species are still able to live with their pets, thanks to the help of allergy medications and other treatments – in combination with consistent, 彻底的, religious cleaning of the home. If you suffer from pet allergies and have a buildup of years’ worth of pet dander in your home, call on Enviropure’s allergy cleaning in Ottawa. We perform a deep cleaning, getting rid of all that pet dander, so that you can breathe better. Want to hire us after that for regular or periodic cleaning? 伟大的想法! We’ll help keep that pet dander at bay so that you or your family member can breath better.

是的,可以! Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, 花粉 and other allergy triggers that are otherwise found outside (flowers, 树, 草, 等.) can and do make their way into homes and offices as well. 这是怎么发生的?? 的 most likely culprit is open windows, patio doors, 等. Everyone likes the feeling of a nice breeze coming into the house on a spring or summer day. Allergy sufferers, however, also know that these breezes can bring allergy triggers. Even if all the windows are closed, allergy triggers such as 花粉 can enter the house through other pores, including HVAC air exchanges, 等. Our allergy cleaning and deep cleaning can help get rid of the 花粉 and other allergy triggers that have built up over the years!

干净的宗教! 相信我们, we’ve seen some crazy buildup of allergy triggers in homes and offices – from 花粉 to pet dander and much more. Even when you hire Enviropure for regular home cleaning, you’ll want to stay on top of things by cleaning and vacuuming regularly to keep those allergy triggers at bay.

Wash your towels and bedding more often than you (probably) currently do – once a week at least, 如果不是更多的话. 擦窗户, blinds and drapes – allergens can accumulate more here, be it 花粉 from the outdoors and/or pet dander from indoor pets.

Also, control moisture wherever possible. This will help keep away mold and mildew. Bathrooms are a big source of moisture. Basements also tend to see higher amounts of moisture. Use a dehumidifier when called for.

HEPA filters, from air filters to vacuum bags, will also help you control potential allergy triggers.
